Monday, January 28, 2008

Tummy Ache

In class we read a 12 sentence fable that left the reader completely satisfied. This is a hard task, especially for those who seem to have the ability to write forever. Dr.Robinson challenged the class to go home and attempt to write our own… so here goes:

Jeremy sat in the airport, palms sweating, mind racing, and knees… well, definitely shaking. At the mature age of 12, Jeremy had avoided airplanes his whole life, and while he fantasized about the adventure of being a pilot or the courage of joining the airforce, there was something holding him back, fear. Unfortunately last year his beloved grandmother moved to California, a mere five states away from his home of Kentucky. Jeremy had promised to spend the summer there swimming in the ocean, climbing the mountains, and enjoying his grandmother’s famous cooking.

The day came fast, way too fast for Jeremy, and it was now 20 minutes before he boarded the plane. His dad leaned over to reassure him that nothing bad would happen, and all that came to Jeremy’s mind were flames, smoke, and crash landings. Jeremy sat and thought hard about what he could occupy himself with that would make him not so afraid. He remembered back to when he was a little boy and his older brothers would watch horror films late at night, well Jeremy wanted to be like them, so he sat and watched the films too, and the only thing that would calm him was his favorite candy, gummy bears.

Jeremy quickly rose and ran to the magazine stand, pulling a twenty-dollar bill from his pocket he purchased 14 boxes of colorful, delicious gummy bears. As he confidently stepped on the plane he began popping the bears into his mouth one by one. By the time he landed in California he had eaten exactly 280 pieces of the little gummies. Even though he had made it through the plane ride with no tears of fright, he missed playing in the ocean and climbing the mountains because for the next 5 days Jeremy lay in bed with a terrible tummy ache.

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