Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Peter Rabbit.

A Poem for Peter Rabbit:

Peter was a mischievous young bunny,
His mother secretly found it quite funny.
Whatever she told him to do, he did the opposite,
She knew it was a phase, so she did not throw a fit.

One day though, she had had enough,
And trust me, mother never got into a tuff.
Peter had stolen from Mr.McGregor's farm,
But we all know he did not mean any harm.

He gathered the lettuce heads very quick,
Then to the carrots he went, and hastily he did pick.
Next was the eggs from the farm's chicken coop,
A bunny stealing their eggs sure threw them for a loop!

Then home he flew baskets full of treats,
Did I forget to mention, he even stole the beets!
Peter's mother was furious at the site of his return,
She spanked him through the night, and boy did it burn!

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