Tuesday, April 1, 2008

History in the Making.

Today in my debate class we remembered the devastation of September 11, 2001. I got to thinking back on that day, trying to recall what exactly I was doing at the time the news began unfolding the story to the nation. Although I know that my life has been impacted and forever changed by these events, I wondered how this one act of terrorism would impact children's education from here on out. Clearly the encyclopedia's and historical reference books would all have to be changed. But there is something more. Children have a tangible sense of heroism, of leadership, and of war. To me, growing up, all of these things were a part of history. I never experienced true heroism, people becoming leaders of strangers, and a war that is still going on. Not only has history changed, the present has changed, and the future for children's education will forever be changed.

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