Friday, April 18, 2008

Rosie O'Donnell

Rosie O'Donnell has just started a movement, claiming that her family "has a no-media policy. The school they go to has a no-media policy. There's no television and no computer access. It has changed our lives." She has gone public to try and convince parents across America to jump on the bandwagon. Rosie has said that her kids have changed for the better since this. As television, media, and even children's literature becomes saturated with fewer moral teachings, it has become dangerous to allow our children to be subjected to this. But the question is where do you draw the line? Rosie has completely eliminated media exposure, while some parents allow too much exposure. I feel that parents should be responsible enough to censer what their children watch and read there truly should not be a problem. Monitoring their online activity is also an important part of being an aware parent.

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