Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ella Enchanted

After completing Ella Enchanted, I find myself only upset that there is not a sequel to such a fun, delightful story. There are many things that surprised me and pleased me about this wonderful read. One of my favorite characters in the story was of course Ella and her witty sense of humor, and courageous presence. She is unlike many fairy tale ‘princesses’ in that she is very independent and self-sufficient; something I am sure feminists were pleased in. She did not need her father, she did not need Char, she was brave and bold in her thoughts and her actions. I also really admired the way the love story between Ella and Char unfolded. Their love was not founded in vain; he was drawn to her by her humor and character more than her looks. Ella contained a kind heart, which was evident in the way she mourned her mother’s death, befriended those who had no friends, and sacrificed her happiness for the safety of Char. Through letters the two grew closer and closer to each other, which I loved because it showed that they were truly attracted to each other’s hearts. I was pleasantly surprised by the novel and literally could not put it down! Hopefully our nest read will be just as ‘enchanting’ as this one has been.

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